I often hear women complain about their man or men in general not respecting them. Yes, there are some jerks out there who don't have any home training, but this article isn't about them.
Ladies, my question to you is…Do you love and respect yourself?
Love and respect go hand in hand. When you love yourself, you will demand respect.
I am going to discuss three major topics: your clothing, your language and what you accept.
- Your Clothing
The way you dress is a direct reflecting of you and how you value yourself. If you wear clothing that are extremely revealing, it states, “I want attention, whether it’s good or bad. Just look at me.” Men are going to think you are loose and looking for a good time. On the other hand, if your clothing are excessively baggy, you are telling the world “I have low self-esteem and don’t think I am good enough.” First impressions last a lifetime, so what are your clothes saying about you?
- Your Language
If every other word is the F bomb, men are going to think you are trashy. You come across as an uneducated low class woman. Now I am not saying you shouldn't curse, but is it really necessary in public?
- What You Allow
Do you allow him to belittle and degrade you? Yes, I said “allow”. Men are visual creatures, your actions and behavior sets the tone in your relationship. If your partner ever becomes physically abusive, you need to get out of the relationship immediately. If you are not sure if you are experiencing domestic violence, The National Domestic Hotline 1800-799-7233, is there to help.
Ladies is it our duty and responsibility to cherish, respect and love our selves.
Love Always,
Candace Nicole
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